The Palo Alto High School student newspaper, The Campanile, recently ran a feature on the growing youth programs at the Media Center.
Media Center helps student movies shine
Palo Alto teen center offers students tools for success for future careers in the media
Posted Mon Oct. 22, 12:59:04 PDT 2007
By Yelly Bitton of the Campanile
The studio is silent. The lighting is perfectly set. The sound check is done. Three, two, one, action.
Palo Alto High School senior Adam Shore is ready to shoot a television show at Palo Alto's Media Center's television studio. Shore has been involved with activities at the Media Center for over two years.
The Media Center is a non-profit public access television station. The local cable provider, currently Comcast Corporation, is required by California state law to give back to the community and does so in the form of public access media centers, such as the one on San Antonio Blvd. in Palo Alto...
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