Executive Director Annie Folger posed with Media Center volunteer and general genius Bill Lindemann in honor of our new and improved and repaired black flat. Bill was part of the three man team that undertook and indeed executed a perfect restoration of the flat. The unveiling took place at end of day in time to be used tonight! Unfortunately repair-team member and volunteer par excellence Jim Seawright (producer, Hale I Ho Omana) had to speed off to a concert and Erik Lind (recent Studio Class grad) who toiled alongside Bill and Jim was not available to be photographed. Long story short: this flat was rendered useless due to a rather large and mysterious tear. Patching it just wouldn't do. Full and complete overhaul was required. When I arrived at work today, I thought a construction job had been undertaken. There was an electric saw, tool boxes galore, the obligatory pick-up truck with the gate down, and guys standing around staring into space. At least that's how
my home remodel went down! By 5 pm we had a brand new flat and one more reason to thank our wonderful volunteers for making things work around here. These are a great bunch of guys and we thank them for the gift of their time and expertise. Thank you Bill, Jim and Erik!
The restored flat is now better than ever: it's "push-pin friendly," a big plus for our producers; AND it's easy to roll around the studio, a big help to the volunteer crew!