Yesterday, MC studio tech and Zoom In Teacher Matt Harnack taught 24 (twenty-four) middle and high school teachers simple special effects techniques for use in video production to take back to their classrooms. This workshop was a collaboration of the Media Center, the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) and Klutz, the Palo Alto based "How To Hands On" Books and Resource Company targeted mainly at kids. The teachers were equipped with flips cams and the Klutz book TRICKY VIDEO which offers up low tech special effects techniques to spice up anyone's video project. Matt divided the teachers into 4 groups to learn how to operate their camera, recreate several of the exercises in the book and create a playable video. Matt said many of the teachers were already tech savvy and jumped in to mentor the less experienced teachers. The JCC, our neighbor across San Antonio Road, graciously permitted us the use of their gymnasium to recreate the "bouncing ball" special effect. The Media Center is all about empowering people to be content creators rather than passive consumers. We look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the results of this training in the classrooms of our local schools.
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