Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day Workers Learn Video Production

The Media Center has continued its partnership with the Day Worker Center of Mountain View. Several workers and one staff person came to the Media Center to take field production and editing classes. Then our summer intern, Jose Betancourt, worked with DWC staff to provide additional editing training on Windows Movie Maker so the workers can edit on the Center's PC computers. The first video they shot and edited was of a visit to the center from the reigning Miss Mexico. Check it out here. Additionally, some of the workers continue to write blogs about their lives at the blog-site developed in partnership with the Media Center. All of the communications training and projects have been made possible by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.


  1. A shift worker is anyone who follows a work schedule that is outside of the typical "9 to 5" business day. In the past few decades the United States has become increasingly dependent upon shift workers to meet the demands of globalization and our 24-hour society. boston video production

  2. Several workers and one staff person video production came to the Media Center to take field production and editing classes.

  3. Blogs are so interactive where we get lots of informative on any topics. nice job keep it up !!.. corporate video production


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